Friday, December 3, 2010

Day in the Life - Michael Doherty, THE THREE MUSKETEERS

Another Day in the Life?  Yes!  These entertaining photos were taken by Michael Doherty, who plays the Thumb Box 360-loving King Hughy the XIVth in The Three Musketeers.  (His Majesty is too busy playing his game, so we wrote the captions for this one!)

Chelsea Carle (Aplomado) and Laura Giknis (Kestral)

The Dame, Queen Agnes of Malvaria.  Also known as PLTC company member Mark Lazar!

The infamous Thumb Box 360!

Chris Faith (Athos), Andrew Kane (d'Artagnan), Rachel Brennan (who was apparently in the process of taking pictures for her Day in the Life feature as this picture was being taken!), and Julia Stroup (Gyrfalcon).

Brad DePlanche (Porthos) and Rachel Camp (Peregrine)

Tom Teti (Aramis)

Laura Giknis and Richard Ruiz (Horace the Hound)

Two very funny men, Chris Faith and Mark Lazar (oh, and Brad DePlanche is in the mirror!  He's very funny, too.)


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